Jin's Portfolio

A showcase of my background, projects and skills

My name is
Baljinder Singh

I am an experienced Software Engineer passionate about problem solving and growing using new technologies, automation and cloud infrastructure.
I have a background in frontend and backend development, working with various languages, frameworks and large datasets.


I have a passion for track athletics and team sports including Basketball, Soccer and Oztag. I also enjoy outdoor activities with friends such as Bowling, Arcades and Biking.

When indoors I like to read, game, create edits and play the piano. Additionally, I make an effort to strive for self improvement and keep up to date with technology and stocks.

Extra Curricular Activites

I engaged in Soccer Coaching to cater to my passion for Soccer and develop my leadership and management qualities. [2015-2019]

I compete in weekly sporting competitions inlcuding Basketball/Oztag to satisfy my competitive drive and team spirit. [2020-present]

My emotional intelligence ability was developed through Peer Mentoring of junior high school students. [2014-2016]

As a volunteer for a local HSC tutoring studio, I learnt to develop a prosperous and collaborative learning environment. [2017]

Core Competencies

  • Software development methodologies (Waterfall, Agile)
  • Full-stack development
  • Object-oriented design/programming
  • Test-driven development (TDD)
  • Continuous integration & delivery (CI/CD)
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Oral & Written Communication
  • Client Requirement Gathering
  • Solutions Architecture
  • Continuous Learning & Improvement
  • Front-end frameworks (React)
  • Mobile frameworks (Android Studio, Xcode)

Technology & Tools

  • Python
  • Java
  • Javascript | TypeScript
  • C | C++
  • jBASE BASIC (jBC) | jBASE Query Language (jQL)
  • R Programming
  • SQL | MySQL
  • Visual Studio | Visual Studio Code | Beyond Compare
  • Git | GitHub | GitLab
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Zoho One
  • AWS